Puțini știu că un produs tradițional de Crăciun ne face mai deștepți! Chiar celebrul medic Vlad Ciurea a făcut această dezvăluire interesantă! Desertul nu lipsește din casele românilor în zilele de sărbătoare. Iată despre ce […]
The main idea of the text is that traditional Christmas food, like cozonac, containing cocoa, can boost cognitive function.
Renowned neurochirurg Vlad Ciurea highlights the benefits of cocoa for brain health, comparing it to coffee and chocolate. He emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet that includes cocoa for optimal learning and cognitive performance.
The main idea of the text is that traditional Christmas food, like cozonac, containing cocoa, can boost cognitive function. Renowned neurochirurg Vlad Ciurea highlights the benefits of cocoa for brain health, comparing it to coffee and chocolate. He emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet that includes cocoa for optimal learning and cognitive performance.